Monday, November 30, 2015

Friday, November 27, 2015

Sometimes in the winds of change..

Life is a journey

If you stop

Keep your eyes open

Happiness exists

Today take a moment

Take all this beauty in...

You are brave and strong

Friendship is just one of those things...

Live life with...

Really in life

Always remember you are braver..

See every day as a new adventure

Today I was weak..

No act of kindness

Your children will become who you are

It is your journey

It is easy to smile

Every day is a new day

Change is Happening

Life is full of give and take...

Don't forget to wear your smile

I've ended up where I need to be

Build Your Own Bridge

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

What does 'Darkness' mean to you?

Each year that goes by I reflect on my life....where it is...where it is going.  There are times things in my life flow effortlessly and other times are incredibly strenuous. 

I have had many days filled with light and goodness and others that have been so dark I did not think I would be able to see my way out.  It is in the darkest times I do my deepest searching...searching for me and the meaning of life...sometimes the answers come right away and other times they come so slowly.  I cannot explain what darkness is as there are no words to describe it...maybe...if you watched the Harry Potter would be similar to the death eaters coming and sucking out your soul or being...that is the only real description that comes to my mind.  During these times of darkness when I feel like my soul has been sucked out of me...I realize there is always some matter how small it may is there and it is deep.  When I start to focus on that light it starts to get better and the darkness starts to lighten up a bit..there then becomes a balance in me of light and dark...working in union.

Experience allows us to understand allows us to be sympathetic to others, to give, to love, to have experience thus far in this lifetime continue to bring compassion and gratitude to a new level.

Live, Love, Adventure!!

Thursday, November 19, 2015


Positivegirlvt was born out of darkness.  We have always been friends, somewhat distant friends, but while each going through challenges we never imagined we'd have to face we have come to rely on one another during our darkest times.

There is something special about the bond we share.  We are both willing to learn, to understand and to grow spiritually. We never tell one another how to feel or what to do, we simply listen, respect, and try to provide light (although an occasional opinion may creep in from time to time :-) ).

We have been on a tremendous journey of growth, we have consciously chosen to have fun and make our own fun; dancing, tanning at the beach, mountain biking, dinners with our kids, movie nights, and meeting new people to name a few.  But even though we have good times, we've also shared a lot of tears, mistakes, and painful setbacks.

Through it all we've supported each other with love and kindness by listening, sharing A LOT of quotes and songs, making each other laugh, and just allowing each other to grow independently but not alone.

As the founders of Positivegirlvt we HAVE seen darkness, and we have discovered that there is light in darkness.  Even in the pitch black you can see.  Your eyes just have to adjust.

We created Positivegirlvt to share experiences, deepen self awareness, and inspire personal growth.

We hope you'll join us on this journey!

Kirsten and Kristi